Friday, October 23, 2009

Informal Thursdays!

Hi Fellow runners and walkers!
We have decided to make a blog where we can post pictures (um, I need to get on that) and put some notes during the week. So make sure you "bookmark" our site to check back on what is going on with our No Boundaries group.
Also, feel free to leave comments for us or other runners if you are looking for running partners, etc.
ANYWAY, many of you have been asking for additional runs during the week. So, we're starting "Informal Thursdays". Come on down and meet friends at the shop at 5:30 PM on Thursday evenings. You can meet friends, make new ones, and just head out for a run or walk. On some nights we may have a coach for you but we can't guarantee that. Ultimately, this will just be a time and place for you all to meet and make it easier to get your workout in.
How can we make it even more appealing?
Each time you come, we will give you a certificate for a FREE smoothie from Jamba Juice. Pretty cool, huh? Let us know what you think and if you are planning to come!!!!
Coach Rod

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